Friday, January 22, 2010

Exceptional Student of the Month

The Career Development Center is partnering with the CSU Thurgood Marshall College Fund Ambassador to highlight an "Exceptional Student" every month.

So, for the 1st month of the year (and the 1st student selectee), we present to you Ms. Toninette Griggs!

Classification: Sophomore

Major: Accounting

GPA: 3.6/4.0 Major GPA: 4.0/4.0

Internships: Chicago Public Schools; Cargill, Inc. (Summer 2010)

CSU Clubs & Involvements: National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Secretary, member since 2007; NABA Chicago Mentor Program; Accounting Career Awareness Program; NABA Marketing, Membership and Fundraising Committees

Extracurricular Activities: Volleyball, track & field, & cross-country

Awards: Who's Who Among Student in American Universities & Colleges, Dean's List, United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Scholarship, CSU Foundation Scholarship, Secondary School Counselor Council Scholarship, and NABA CR Scholarship (KOCH Industries)

Community Service: Woodlawn Organization - Informed neighborhood residents about the voting process; Salem Baptist Church - Assisted with church clothing drive

Favorite musical artist(s): Mary J. Blige & Kanye West

Who is someone you admire? Why? I admire my mother because each and everyday she reminds me of how important it is to have a game plan in life so that I could be on the right path to achieving my goals.

If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would you invite? Why? The first person I would invite to dinner with me would be God because he knows me best. Secondly, I'd invite Barrack Obama to better explain the world perspective. Lastly, I'd invite Chris Tucker because he is so funny.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? If I could travel anywhere in the world I would go to Africa, to research and experience the true roots of my African ancestry.

What is one interesting fact about yourself? I love learning new things and meeting new people.

Congratulations Toninette. Keep your eyes posted for next month's "Exceptional Student", it could be you!


Anonymous said...

"NABA Marketing, Membership and Fundraising Committees"...Really?!?! She barely talks in class & she bugs all the COB teachers...Explain to me how she was selected...What about all the OTHER College of Business students?

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with the poster above. She never has anything to contribute to class discussions and just sits there. There are plenty of other students who are far more deserving.

Unknown said...

Toninette deserves this award. Maybe you should publish your name instead of hiding behind an "Anonymous" tag. If you think there are other students deserving of this award you should nominate them instead of trying to tear down Toninette's accomplishments. Better yet, why don't you post your name and your accomplishments and nominate yourself for "Student of the Month". Good luck!

Michael A. Fitzgerald

msnicole said...

First of all, many COB students haven't even heard of this award, so how could we have nominated ourselves or anyone else. What exactly is the nomination process? How does one become eligible? If there are awards available, then every student should be aware of this.

Its not about tearing anyone down, but ensuring that the nomination and selection process is fair. And I can think of many COB students who accomplishments are of the same standard as Toinette, because quite a few of our students are also high achievers.

Madam Prezident said...

To all:

I agree with Michael, Toninette is deserving of the award. This forum is meant to highlight an Exceptional Student. To the "Anonymous" poster: You should know that NABA's motto is "Lifting AS We Climb". Toninette may not speak much, but she has grown throughout her time in NABA. Knowing that is the most important fact. Her contributions to the organization are appreciated. We hope that by highlighting exceptional students each month, others will become motivated to succeed in the COB and get more involved with NABA, SIFE, and Future CPA Society.

Melody said...

I have not had any classes with Toninette. But I have had the pleasure of serving as a fellow NABA board member. I think Toninette is an exceptional student. She is always focused on doing well in all her classes, and she's never ashamed to ask for advice. It seems that this honor gives voice to Toninette's contributions.

Tanya L Perry said...

Congratulations Toniette,
I am proud of your accomplishments and work ethnic. You are representing the university in a positive manner. I will not respond to those who which to degrade another under the cloak of anonmity, this act speak for itself. Keep up the good work Toni.

Ken Calvin said...

I am proud of Ms. Griggs' recognition by the Career Development Center as are, I am sure, the vast majority of CSU students, faculty, and staff. As a conscientious student and aspiring business professional, Ms. Griggs is no doubt saddened by the anonymous and totally unwarranted slander by two of her fellow students, which resembles elementary school playground petty jealousy. If these two individuals had genuine concerns and constructive suggestions for revisions to this blog, they could have easily contacted the Career Development Center. Obviously, they lacked the personal integrity and fortitude to do so. I do hope that the other blog responses will remind these two unfortunate and disgruntled students that Chicago State University is in the business of developing successful and confident professionals rather than timidly envious character assassins.

Ken Calvin