Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall 2009 Job Fair


Are you ready for the job fair? Here are some tips to help you prepare for the big day:
  • Be realistic with your EXPECTATIONS (job fairs are great networking opportunities; aim at gathering a select number of business cards instead of expecting that great job offer to come from the job fair)
  • Dress PROFESSIONALLY (no jeans, gym shoes, sandals, other inappropriate attire and absolutely NO CLEAVAGE)
  • Be polite (SMILE, SMILE, SMILE)
  • Make a great FIRST IMPRESSION (no gum chewing, slang, loud perfumes/cosmetics or cigarette smoke)
  • Bring multiple copies of your UPDATED RESUME (do not assume, nor be discouraged with companies referring you to their website to complete an application)
  • Collect BUSINESS CARDS of all recruiters/representatives of companies of interest (you'll need to follow-up with representatives after submitting your applications)
  • RELAX (think of the experience as a time to gather information about opportunities with the company and share your ENTHUSIASM and FIT)
Your Career Development Center staff will be on hand to assist you with additional preparation for the event or to answer any questions pertaining to your attendance at the job fair.

Here's to you....you're great...now convince the companies!!

-Mrs. Lyons

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