Tuesday, December 1, 2009

End of Semester Prep

Wow, it's December already. Only 2 more weeks until the end of the semester! Did the semester fly by or is it just me?

This is the time of year when we all start fantasizing about the holidays and the few weeks of vacation during the winter semester break...ah, vacation.

Well, here are a few things to think about as the year-end approaches:

1. Have you applied for your summer internship yet?

YES, now is the time when applications for next summer's internships are due. Don't wait until the last minute!!

You can browse current internship openings via the Cougar Job Connection:

2. You can't apply for internships or part-time jobs with an outdated resume, get it cleaned up and application ready by stopping by the Career Development Center and meeting with your Career Advisor.

You can find us in the Cordell Reed Student Union, 1st floor, office 180.

Here's to you and a wonderful end of the semester.

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