Thursday, October 28, 2010

Seasonal Job Search

The month of October is almost just 3 days it will be HALLOWEEN (whoooooa-o-o-o-aa-aa-ah!!)

Well although my scary voice may not be all that'll definitely want to scream if you sit idly by and let the SEASONAL HIRING PERIOD pass you by!

If you're in the market for a great part-time job, and have some evenings and weekend time available, a seasonal job could be just what you need to get you over the "hump" of the job market and provide you with some much needed cash.

You may ask, "How can I find one of those great seasonal jobs?"

Start by thinking about the stores where you like to shop (or browse). It's much easier to be excited about, and sell things that you like to buy. Once you've created your list of stores, next browse their websites to submit your application online. Lastly, follow-up your online application with an in-person, in-store visit.

Note: If you decide to apply and/or follow-up in person, you should dress appropriately for the visit -in business casual to professional attire.

Here's a general list of stores/companies who offer seasonal and part-time employment:
  • Allied Barton Security
  • Best Buy
  • Carson Pirie Scott
  • Claire's Boutiques
  • H & M
  • JC Penney
  • Old Navy
  • Paper-Source (paper supplies & crafts)
  • Sears
  • Target
  • Walmart

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Preparing for Job Fairs!


The recruiting season is well under way, which also means that Job Fair season is here! Are you prepared to make the most out of one of the best employer marketing tools available - face-to-face interaction?

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the big day:
  • Be realistic with your EXPECTATIONS (job fairs are great networking opportunities; aim at gathering a select number of business cards instead of expecting that great job offer to come from the job fair)
  • Dress PROFESSIONALLY (no jeans, gym shoes, sandals, other inappropriate attire and absolutely NO CLEAVAGE)
  • Be polite (SMILE, SMILE, SMILE)
  • Make a great FIRST IMPRESSION (no gum chewing, slang, loud perfumes/cosmetics or cigarette smoke)
  • Bring multiple copies of your UPDATED RESUME (do not assume, nor be discouraged with companies referring you to their website to complete an application)
  • Collect BUSINESS CARDS of all recruiters/representatives of companies of interest (you'll need to follow-up with representatives after submitting your applications)
  • RELAX (think of the experience as a time to gather information about opportunities with the company and share your ENTHUSIASM and FIT)
Your Career Development Center staff will be on hand to assist you with additional preparation for the event or to answer any questions pertaining to your attendance at the job fair.

Here's to're convince the companies!!