Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Exceptional Student of the Month

The Career Development Center is partnering with the CSU Thurgood Marshall College Fund Ambassador & The NABA Chicago Mentoring Program to highlight an "Exceptional Student" every month.

So, for the month of March 2010, we present to you
Mr. Jose J. Leon!

Classification: Junior

Major: Accounting

GPA: 3.2/4.0

Internships: Deloitte (Summer 2009 & 2010)

CSU Clubs & Involvements: National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Advisor; Organization for Latin American Students (OLAS); CSU Baseball Team; CSU Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Awards: Dean's List; All Independent Academic Team; Ernest T. Collins Scholarship recipient

Community Service: High School Baseball Coach

Favorite musical artist(s): Jay-Z; his music and entrepreneurial spirit are both really interesting.

Who is someone you admire? Why? I happen to admire both of my parents a great deal. The work ethic they demonstrate on a day-to-day basis with endless enthusiasm allows me to tackle any objective with a positive outlook.

If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would you invite? Why? I would invite my mom, and dad because they have been my support system my entire life; and I would invite Ken Calvin who has played a pivotal role in my success. These three people have all had a lasting effect in the way I now conduct myself.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Though I would love to travel the world, right now I am really focused on the next few years. I would like to visit Atlanta, GA due to its up and coming economic success. Atlanta is slowly becoming one of the most popular cities in the United States and the world; and it's enjoying great economic growth.

What is one interesting fact about you? The fact that I owned and operated my first business at the age of 17, The Online Scout, [of which I still own today].

What are your short term goals? I hope to have a successful baseball season and work towards earning my degree by the Spring 2011 [semester]. Following that, I hope to attend Graduate School soon thereafter.

What are your long term goals? I hope to [be] a successful Certified Public Accountant (CPA) at Deloitte; eventually making partner and giving back to the community as often as possible.

Nominations for Exceptional Student of the Month are accepted on a rolling basis and are open to ALL CSU students regardless of major or student club affiliation. So, nominate someone today!

Questions? Contact Michael A. Fitzgerald at MFitzgerald312@gmail.com

Friday, March 5, 2010


Happy Friday!

This just in....GOOGLE representatives will be on-campus:

SCI 113
2pm - Presentation

SCI 206
3pm - Q & A

Come and learn about STEM based (mathematics, computer science and engineering) career opportunities at GOOGLE!

Hope to see you there. Pass the word!