Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Your Career Development Center would like to wish you all a wonderful, plentiful, and very....


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Seasonal Job Search

The month of October is almost over...in just 3 days it will be HALLOWEEN (whoooooa-o-o-o-aa-aa-ah!!)

Well although my scary voice may not be all that scary...you'll definitely want to scream if you sit idly by and let the SEASONAL HIRING PERIOD pass you by!

If you're in the market for a great part-time job, and have some evenings and weekend time available, a seasonal job could be just what you need to get you over the "hump" of the job market and provide you with some much needed cash.

You may ask, "How can I find one of those great seasonal jobs?"

Start by thinking about the stores where you like to shop (or browse). It's much easier to be excited about, and sell things that you like to buy. Once you've created your list of stores, next browse their websites to submit your application online. Lastly, follow-up your online application with an in-person, in-store visit.

Note: If you decide to apply and/or follow-up in person, you should dress appropriately for the visit -in business casual to professional attire.

Here's a general list of stores/companies who offer seasonal and part-time employment:
  • Allied Barton Security
  • Best Buy
  • Carson Pirie Scott
  • Claire's Boutiques
  • H & M
  • JC Penney
  • Old Navy
  • Paper-Source (paper supplies & crafts)
  • Sears
  • Target
  • Walmart

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Preparing for Job Fairs!


The recruiting season is well under way, which also means that Job Fair season is here! Are you prepared to make the most out of one of the best employer marketing tools available - face-to-face interaction?

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the big day:
  • Be realistic with your EXPECTATIONS (job fairs are great networking opportunities; aim at gathering a select number of business cards instead of expecting that great job offer to come from the job fair)
  • Dress PROFESSIONALLY (no jeans, gym shoes, sandals, other inappropriate attire and absolutely NO CLEAVAGE)
  • Be polite (SMILE, SMILE, SMILE)
  • Make a great FIRST IMPRESSION (no gum chewing, slang, loud perfumes/cosmetics or cigarette smoke)
  • Bring multiple copies of your UPDATED RESUME (do not assume, nor be discouraged with companies referring you to their website to complete an application)
  • Collect BUSINESS CARDS of all recruiters/representatives of companies of interest (you'll need to follow-up with representatives after submitting your applications)
  • RELAX (think of the experience as a time to gather information about opportunities with the company and share your ENTHUSIASM and FIT)
Your Career Development Center staff will be on hand to assist you with additional preparation for the event or to answer any questions pertaining to your attendance at the job fair.

Here's to you....you're great...now convince the companies!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Upcoming Events & Workshops

Recruiting season is under way; there's so much to do. Your Career Development Center is here to help you prepare for all of those applications, interviews, and job fairs.

Here are your upcoming recruiting events & workshops:

Tues., Oct. 5, 2010: Resume Writing Workshop
1:00pm - CRSU 122

Wed., Oct. 6, 2010:
Resume Writing Workshop
4:00pm - CRSU 122

Tues., Oct. 19, 2010:
Social Media Networking
1:00pm - CRSU 122

Wed., Oct. 20, 2010:
Social Media Networking
4:00pm - CRSU 122

Tues., Sept. 21, 2010: KPMG Networking Dinner
5:30pm - CRSU Fine Dining

Thurs., Sept. 23, 2010:
Company Mock Interviews (Deloitte)
9:00am - 5:00pm - CRSU 180
(Advanced registration REQUIRED)

Fri., Sept. 24, 2010:
KPMG Office Visit
9:00am - Downtown office; 303 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL
(Advanced registration REQUIRED)

Thurs., Sept. 30, 2010:
Steelcase Inc. Informational
12:30pm - BHS 504

Thurs., Oct. 7, 2010:
TRG Chicago (AT&T U-Verse) Informational
12:30pm - CRSU Conference Room B

Wed., Oct. 13, 2010:
12:00pm - Jones Convocation Center

Thurs., Oct. 14, 2010:
9:00am - CRSU 180
**Resumes due by Oct. 1 for consideration**

Thurs., Oct. 14, 2010:
Walgreen's Pizza Party
12:30pm - Academic Library 4th Floor Sunroom

Fri., Oct. 15, 2010:
9:00am - CRSU 180
**Resumes due by Oct. 4 for consideration**

Tues., Oct. 19, 2010:
Deloitte Informational
12:30pm - BHS 504

Thurs., Oct. 28, 2010:
9:00am - CRSU 180
**Resumes due by Oct. 13 for consideration**

Monday, August 9, 2010


Summer's almost over....it's that time of year again.
Fall semester begins August 23, 2010!

Your Career Development Center has been busy planning the semester & we're looking forward to working with all of you! It's gonna be great ;-)

Let's get started, here are the upcoming Fall 2010 Job Fairs:

Part-time/Seasonal Job Fair
September 22, 2010

Fall 2010 Career Fair
October 13, 2010
12pm - 4pm
Jones Convocation Center

2010 Pharmacy Job Fair
November 2, 2010
11am - 2pm

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monster DLP

You're invited to attend the
Monster Diversity Leadership Program

This weekend!
July 9, 2010 - July 11, 2010

St. Xavier University
3700 W. 103rd Street, Chicago, IL 60655

What is Monster's Diversity Leadership Program? (DLP)
The FREE weekend-long event where you can have access to some of the country's industry-leading employers such as Lockheed Martin, Target, Verizon, Macy's, McGraw-Hill Education, Health South and many more! (Employers attendance varies by event.)

What happens at the event?
You can participate in a collaborative, interactive learning environment to build connections and gain valuable insight to get a head start in your career.

What will I get if I attend?
* One-on-one resume and interview advice from the participating employers
* As a participant you will be automatically entered for a chance to win an iPad!
* As a participant you could receive a college scholarship!

How do I sign up to attend?
For full details and information on how to apply, visit http://www.monsterdlp.com/start/

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer 2010 Exceptional Student

The Career Development Center is partnering with the CSU Thurgood Marshall College Fund Ambassador & The NABA Chicago Mentoring Program to highlight an "Exceptional Student" every month.

So, for the Summer of 2010,
we present to you

Mr. Gerardo Dominguez!

Classification: Senior

Major: Management Information Systems

GPA: 3.90/4.00

Internships: Hormel Foods (2010)

CSU Clubs & Involvements:
President- CSU Management Information Systems (MIS) Club, Marketing Co-Chiar -CSU National Association of Black Accountants (NABA); Becker CPA Review Scholarship recipient, Member- Delta Mu Delta, Member- CSU Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS)

Community Service: Fransiscan Outreach Association

Favorite musical artist(s): Radiohead. They have so many great songs that I forgive them for getting too “out there” from time to time.

Who is someone you admire? Why? Norman Borlaug. He was a poor mid-westerner who had to work his way through school, much like most of us. During his life he won the Nobel peace prize, the congressional gold medal, countless other awards and accolades throughout the world and he has been credited for saving about a billions lives from hunger. Despite all this, he never received fortune or fame and he still had people who criticized what he did; and he was okay with that.

If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would you invite? Why?
Salvador Dali
– He is the greatest artist that ever lived and I love every piece of artwork I’ve ever seen by him. I would love to see if he was really as eccentric as he’s been painted out to be or if it was all just part of his act.
Steven Hawking
– Like most scientists I suppose, he seems to have an innate desire to fully understand the world around him. Unlike most scientists however, he writes like a teacher more than a physicist; he writes in laymen terms without being condescending or losing the validity of what he’s writing about. During our meal I would ask him to give me a brief history of time.
Chuck Norris
– Partly because he is what Willis was talking about, partly because he can speak Braille. Mostly, because Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares them down until he gets the information he wants. This is a skill I wish to learn.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Paris, the Vatican, Stonehenge and the pyramids in both Egypt and Mexico.

What is one interesting fact about you?

J’aime le fromage, mais, malheuresement…je ne sais pas pourquoi…

What are your short term goals?

I’m definitely going to do more volunteer work. I also plan to keep building on the momentum we’ve created so far with the MIS Club; more presenters, more workshops, more opportunity for my fellow students and of course (once we get funding from the school) I would love the opportunity to hand out a scholarship to one of our members. Career wise, I will graduate next spring and I plan on working as a systems analyst thereafter. I plan on attending grad-school about a year after I graduate from CSU.

What are your long term goals?
My long term career goal is to retire as a real estate investor and I will use my career as a means to that end. I will start my career within a company that values innovation, teamwork and giving back to the community. Throughout my time in the workforce I would like to become the CIO of a Fortune 500 company. As a Hispanic, I know that we are not well represented in many different areas (government, corporate America, STEM fields) but as a Mexican-American within the I/T community I would love the opportunity to be at the top and show the next generation that it can be done.

In my personal life, I want to start a family, be a great father and also do more to support my mother. My main goal in life is to succeed to the point where I can support her financially and finally allow her to stop working. As far as I’m concerned, I will be the only retirement plan that she will ever need. God willing, I will be financially independent but I hope to never lose the urge to give back to those in need. I heard an alternative definition of success to be, “when another human being has had a better life because you have lived;” This is what I strive for.

Nominations for Exceptional Student of the Month are accepted on a rolling basis and are open to ALL CSU students regardless of major or student club affiliation. So, nominate someone today!